We started with a small group of pet parents, who were not comfortable taking their dogs out on picnics or outings alone. In no time our k9 family grew! We diversified into dog events, small puppy socialisation gatherings, training the dogs to listen to us irrespective of the outdoors and in the presence of other dogs.
The OUTDOOR TRAINING programmes in groups at different locations, offered phenomenal exposure a variety of exposure to our “URBAN DOGS”! I call our urban dogs- Under stimulated, bored and ill socialised unless they know how to confidently conduct themselves as good k9 citizens in public places and social gatherings.
Closest to my heart, HIGH JINX- An outdoor event that holds structured activities keeping the DOG in mind. From agility to swimming and fun training based games to help pet parents have a great time and make memories with their doggies and also make some real good friends with fellow pet parents. Trekking in groups and taking our dogs for swimming in the fresh waters and lakes is a totally new and an enriching experience for our dogs and one that they really love and look forward to! Their lives are so short, every day and every experience counts. Make the most of the time given with your k9 companion